A Fund of

The El Paso COVID-19 Response Fund was established in partnership with the United Way of El Paso County to support nonprofit organizations serving the most vulnerable in our community - including the homeless, elderly and food insecure. Donations of all sizes are welcome and will add up to make a big impact.
Grants have been awarded to the following organizations to date:
- El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank - $40,000
- Project Bravo - $5,000
- Cleaning supplies for 17 shelters - $22,000
- Senior Fund - $3,000
- Desert Spoon Food Hub - $9,130
- Opportunity Center for the Homeless - $10,000
- Alzheimer's Association, West Texas Chapter El Paso - $3,850
- Sacred Heart Church - $5,170
- Casa de Peregrinos - $11,000
- Mustard Seed Cafe - $8,100
- Alliance for Border Collaboratives - $15,000
- The Salvation Army - $5,000
- YWCA El Paso del Norte Region - Respite Care - $15,000
- NAMI El Paso - Mental Health Services - $5,704
- Center Against Sexual and Family Violence - $9,857
- El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Lyft Program - $15,000
- Ciudad Nuevo Community Outreach - $3,000
- Rio Grande Cancer Foundation - $5,000
- United Way of El Paso County - $16,000
- YMCA Armed Services - $9,508
- Project Amistad - $15,000
- El Paso Center for Children - $15,000
- RotaCare El Paso - $15,000
- Boys & Girls Clubs of El Paso - $6,500
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso - $6,374
- UMC Foundation of El Paso: $20,000
- Operation Noel: $7,500
- Nurse Family Partnership: $7,500
- New Mexico Cares Foundation: $14,998
Tangible personal property. Examples may be real estate, oil, gas, or mineral interests.

Planned Gifts
Bequests, appreciated securities, life insurance, retirement plans, and charitable remainder trusts, and more.