The Thomas and Julia Randleel Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by the Kiwanis Club of Horizon City in honor of Thomas and Julia Randleel, the parents of one of its long-time members. CSM Thomas Randleel was a decorated 30-year veteran of the United States Army and a successful businessman who supported many local children’s causes. He had a special heart for the Child Crisis Center. Julia Randleel impressed upon her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren the importance of higher education. She also served in her church in several capacities including outreach to students at UTEP’s Baptist Student Union. She was a regular supporter of the Prison Fellowship Angel Tree. Both Thomas and Julia emphasized the importance of helping others directly or by volunteering with others. This endowed scholarship honors the service of Thomas and Julia to their family and beloved community.
Tangible personal property. Examples may be real estate, oil, gas, or mineral interests.

Planned Gifts
Bequests, appreciated securities, life insurance, retirement plans, and charitable remainder trusts, and more.