April 18, 2019
Helping children live happily ever after

The illness was like the dragon in her book – dark, mysterious and bringing her closer to life’s edge. The medical team swore to fight for the brave six-year-old using all of their training, expertise and compassionate care. From the day she arrived by ambulance, to her happy return home, the chief nursing officer recounts the tale of the board of directors. It’s called a Heart Story – a true-life account of a child’s life saved or improve at the El Paso Children’s Hospital.
These remarkable reports moved Alan, a volunteer board member. Everyday, dedicated physicians and medical staff worked tirelessly to bring the youngest patients – and their families – hope and healing. It was during one of these Heart Stories that he was inspired to do even more – he would help the healers.
Alan and his wife started the Alan R. & Dr. Elizabeth Abbott Fund for the El Paso Children’s Hospital with the help of the Paso del Norte Community Foundation.
The fund supports the hospital’s ongoing efforts to heal our region’s smallest patients while honoring Alan’s late father-in-law, Dr. Jack C. Postlewaite – a life-long helper of children.
Dr. Postlewaite was an internal medicine physician who served on several hospital boards and advocated for children’s health issues.
Consider establishing a fund to make a difference in the area that moves your heart.
“The choice of the Paso del Norte Community Foundation was the easiest decision of all, as I have served for over twenty years on the Investment Committee and can appreciate the quality and security of the fund.” – Alan R. Abbott
Contact the Paso del Norte Community Foundation about how you can start a fund of your own. Call 915-218-2641 or visit pdnfoundation.org for more information.