El Paso ISD Education Foundation State of the District
October 29
11:30am - 1pm
2201 E. Mills Ave.
El Paso, TX 79901
El Paso, TX 79901
Sponsorship Levels
Please contact Russell Booth if you have any questions: [email protected]
Naming - $25,000
Name recognition on all promotional material.
Event video + 25 social media posts
Featured on all marketing materials.
Featured on billboard.
Recognition on event portion of website for one year
Recognition at event through large screen, slide, or banner
Special recognition at event
Logo in event program
8 VIP tickets to event
Event table
Seating alongside District Superintendent, Board members and Special guests
Foundation - $15,000
Recognition on event portion of website for one year
Recognition at event through large screen, slide, or banner
Special recognition at event
Logo in event program
8 VIP tickets to event
Event table
Seating alongside District Leadership
10 social media posts
Cornerstone - $10,000
Recognition on event portion of website
Recognition at event through large screen, slide, or banner
recognition at event
Logo in event program
8 VIP tickets to event
Event table
5 Social media posts
Pillar - $5,000
Listed on Event screen, slide, or banner.
Recognition at event
Listed in event program.
8 VIP tickets to event
Event table
Keystone - $2,500
Listed on Event screen, slide, or banner.
Listed in event program.
8 VIP tickets to event
Event table
1 social media post
Blueprint - $1,000
Table for 8
Individual Tickets $250