A Fund of

The Paso del Norte Community Foundation (PdNCF) and El Paso Community Foundation (EPCF) created One Fund El Paso, a nonprofit agency, in August 2019 to oversee the distribution of donations intended to support victims and survivors of those directly impacted by the August 3rd tragedy.  Led by the former Executive Director of the Center Against Sexual and Family Violence, Stephanie Karr, One Fund El Paso contracted with the National Compassion Fund (NCF) and established a task force to oversee the distribution of funds in the most fair and transparent manner. Task Force members were selected to represent government, law, healthcare and nonprofit industries to ensure a diverse and comprehensive skillset to oversee the distribution.  NCF managed the process and logistics for fund distribution based on their experience with mass casualty incidents, including donations for victims and survivors of the September 11th terrorist attacks, as well as the shootings at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Santa Fe High School, and Las Vegas. The administrative costs associated with the operation of One Fund El Paso and NCF have been covered entirely by the PdNCF and EPCF so that victims and survivors receive 100% of donations.

In all, One Fund El Paso received a total of $11,833,588.30 in donations.  $315,000 were distributed to provide immediate assistance to victims confirmed by law enforcement between August and November. The remaining $11,518,588.30 is being distributed among approved applicants for funding as part of a protocol recommended by the National Compassion Fund, shared with the public for review and comment including a public meeting on September 28, 2019, and approved by the One Fund El Paso Task Force and Board.

Applications had to meet the requirements outlined in the Final Protocol to receive approval. According to the Final Protocol, victims could apply for benefits in one of four categories — death; long-term injury; short-term injury; and psychological trauma.  Denials occurred for several reasons, including, but not limited to, incomplete applications after several contact attempts, not being present, or not having received specified medical services. Approved applications were received from American and Mexican citizens.

The identities of the recipients and the amounts allocated in each category will not be revealed in order to protect the privacy and security of victims and their families.

As part of its commitment to transparency and stewardship, One Fund El Paso worked with the National Compassion Fund to engage an external audit firm to conduct an independent review of the contributions and distributions made to support victims and families of the August 3, 2019 shooting.  The firm conducted the review in late 2020, after 100% of the funds were distributed to support victims and families per the distribution guidelines established with input from the public in the fall of 2019. The firm reported “no findings” to the One Fund of El Paso Task Force as a result of the review.

Please see below for more information on the process initiated for the distribution of funds to victims and families. We are so thankful to everyone who contributed to the fund. We encourage donors interested in supporting victims in the future to consider a gift to the education fund set up by CommUnity en Accion to support the educational needs of victims and families.  Click here to Donate.


Tangible personal property. Examples may be real estate, oil, gas, or mineral interests.

Planned Gifts

Bequests, appreciated securities, life insurance, retirement plans, and charitable remainder trusts, and more.


The One Fund El Paso board consists of nine members including a representative from the City of El Paso, Paso del Norte Community Foundation and El Paso Community Foundation.

  • Nicole Ferrini, Chair
  • Tracy Yellen, Vice-Chair
  • Eric Pearson, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Sharon Butterworth
  • Hector Retta
  • Tripper Goodman
  • Joe Alcantar
  • Manny Pacillas
  • Betsy Keller

The One Fund El Paso Task Force consists of the following community members:

  • Ruben Vogt, former El Paso County Judge (Task Force Chair)
  • Nicole Ferrini, Chief Resiliency Officer, City of El Paso
  • Betsy Keller, El Paso County Chief Administrator
  • Patricia Bylicki, Victim Advocate, El Paso County Sheriff’s Office
  • Yvonne Whitaker, Supervisor, District Attorney’s Victim Services
  • Omar Villa, Assistant El Paso County Attorney/Chief Legal Officer, University Medical Center of El Paso
  • Beto Mesta, Managing Attorney, Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid, Inc., El Paso office
  • Ricardo Hernandez Lecanda, Deputy Consul General, Mexican Consulate
  • Rene Hurtado, Chief of Staff, Emergence Health Network
  • Stancy Stribling, PLLC, estate planning/probate/elder law attorney
  • Idahli Huizar-Mendoza, Director of Therapy Services, Center Against Sexual and Family Violence
  • Deborah Zuloaga, CEO, United Way of El Paso County
  • Eric Pearson, CEO, El Paso Community Foundation
  • Tracy Yellen, CEO, Paso del Norte Community Foundation

One Fund El Paso convened a town hall on September 26, 2019 at 5:30 pm at Bonham Elementary School to discuss the process and obtain input from members of the community. The protocols for victims and families and applications to apply were posted on the NCF website at: http://www.nationalcompassionfund.org.  

$11,833,588.30 was raised through November 25, 2019. One Fund El Paso has distributed $315,00 in gift cards, money orders and/or Zelle payments to victims or survivors from August through November as identified by law enforcement.  The balance of philanthropic funds are being distributing to victims and families before the end of the year.

For more information on the distribution process,  please contact:

Stephanie Karr, One Fund El Paso Coordinator

[email protected]


Dan Levey

Senior Lead, Mass Violence Response

National Compassion Fund

[email protected]



August 3, 2019 – Shooting Occurs

  • August 13, 2019 - Finalize agreement with NCF
  • August 14, 2019 - Announce partnership with NCF and Chair of Task Force, Launch contact form
  • August 21, 2019 – Announce Task Force Membership
  • August 23, 2019 – First meeting of Task Force, approve draft protocols, send for translation
  • August 28, 2019 – Get Draft Protocols back from Translation
  • August 29, 2019 – Publish Draft Protocols, Public Comment Period begins
  • September 26, 2019 – Town Hall Meeting & Public Comment Period Ends
  • September 27, 2019 – Task Force meets to approve Final Protocols.
  • October 1, 2019 – Get Protocols back from translator
  • October 10, 2019 – Final Protocols published. These documents will be made available on the Fund website for families and all interested parties.
  • October 10, 2019 – Application Portal Opens. Application instructions will be disseminated to all known applicants and potential applicants who registered through the Fund website.
  • October 10 – November 8, 2019 – Applications completed and submitted to the Fund Administrators along with the required documentation.
  • November 8, 2019 – Deadline for submission of Application for Benefits
  • October 5 - November 5, 2019 – All personal meetings requested with the Fund Administrators completed.
  • November 5—December 5, 2019: All Applications reviewed by the Fund Administrators and recommendations for payments to eligible applicants submitted to the Task Force for independent review and approval.
  • November 25, 2019 – Deadline for contributions
  • December 11, 2019 Distribution Plan Approval
  • December 16, 2019: Payment Distribution to approved eligible beneficiaries begins on a rolling basis.
  • After January 31, 2020: Independent Audit begins.


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